Meet Kevin Sheppard, NW Works, Inc. Board of Directors
Kevin Sheppard is an accomplished healthcare executive with a diverse professional background. After graduating from the University of Alabama with a major in accounting, he obtained his CPA and practiced in public accounting with Ernst & Young. He then transitioned to Healthcare finance to drive financial performance and outcomes in a field where he believes his work can make a difference in the lives of people.
Mid-career, Kevin went back to the University of Minnesota to obtain his masters in healthcare administration and transitioned to hospital operations. Kevin is a Fellow with the American College of Healthcare Executives. He has held executive leadership roles in medium and large facilities and health systems as hospital president, vice president operations, vice president population health, vice president ambulatory services, and vice president of finance. Kevin currently services as Vice President of Operations with Valley Health System at Winchester Medical Center, a 495 bed level II trauma center located in Northwest Virginia, where he oversees ancillary clinical services across the system and surgical services at Winchester Medical Center. Kevin’s passion is working with organizations and services to drive positive change and optimize performance. He has created two high performing Medicare ACO’s, developed numerous ambulatory campuses, transitioned organizations losing several million dollars annually into profitable entities, and most recently worked to redesigned surgical services to create capacity, engage physicians and staff, reduce costs, and drive performance. Kevin moved to Winchester, Virginia in late 2021 with his wife, Carmen and two dogs. Two of his three adult children live within a few hours in Virginia. Kevin and Carmen love living in Winchester and are pleased to call it home.